path: root/mbuto
diff options
authorStefano Brivio <sbrivio@redhat.com>2020-09-02 05:01:04 +0200
committerStefano Brivio <sbrivio@redhat.com>2020-09-02 05:01:04 +0200
commit021ed3e0ee22f136f1a94185c3a92d72a0fe01ca (patch)
treebf7d202cc25c173346c450702bf3502bbc7d14c9 /mbuto
mbuto: Initial import
Signed-off-by: Stefano Brivio <sbrivio@redhat.com>
Diffstat (limited to 'mbuto')
1 files changed, 878 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/mbuto b/mbuto
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..47d2ab7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/mbuto
@@ -0,0 +1,878 @@
+#!/bin/sh -ef
+# mbuto: Minimal Builder Using Terse Options
+# SPDX-License-Identifier: AGPL-3.0-or-later
+# Author: Stefano Brivio <sbrivio@redhat.com>
+# This script builds Linux initramfs images suitable for lightweight VM
+# environments (Kata Containers in particular), without relying on
+# distribution-specific tools (dracut, debootstrap, mkinitramfs, etc.) or
+# containerised environments.
+# Programs are sourced from the host, together with required dynamic libraries.
+# Kernel modules, links, and initial device nodes are configured manually. A
+# convenience support for distribution packages is supplied, with the sole
+# function of extracting packages, ignoring dependencies, without an actual
+# installation process.
+# shellcheck disable=SC2016,SC2046,SC2048,SC2059,SC2086,SC2154
+# ^ FIXUP template, word splitting helpers, printf wrappers,
+# arguments to du -c, cmd_check assigning via eval
+### Configuration ##############################################################
+# Programs sourced together with linked libraries, alternatives with commas
+PROGS="${PROGS:-kata-agent ash,dash,bash ip mount ls modprobe insmod mkdir
+ nsenter ln}"
+# Links: installed target program, then link name, one per line
+ kata-agent /init
+ ash,dash,bash /bin/sh
+# List of kernel modules
+KMODS="${KMODS:-vmw_vsock_virtio_transport virtio_net virtiofs vfio virtio_pci}"
+# Device nodes, one per line, NAME TYPE MAJOR MINOR supported, copied otherwise
+ console
+ kmsg
+ null
+ ptmx
+ random
+ urandom
+ zero
+# Empty directories to create
+DIRS="${DIRS:-/proc /sys}"
+# Copies of full paths, attributes and parents directories preserved
+# Fix-up script to run before /init, can be omitted
+export PATH=${PATH}:/bin:/usr/bin:/sbin:/usr/sbin
+mount -t proc - /proc
+mount -t sysfs - /sys
+for m in '${KMODS}'; do
+ modprobe ${m}
+mount -t devtmpfs - /dev
+mkdir /dev/pts
+mount -t devpts - /dev/pts
+mkdir -p /sys/fs/cgroup
+mount -t tmpfs - /sys/fs/cgroup
+mkdir /sys/fs/cgroup/unified
+mount -o rw,nsdelegate -t cgroup2 - /sys/fs/cgroup/unified
+for t in cpu,cpuacct blkio memory perf_event pids cpuset freezer devices; do
+ mkdir /sys/fs/cgroup/${t}
+ mount -o rw,${t} -t cgroup - /sys/fs/cgroup/${t}
+# https://bugs.debian.org/cgi-bin/bugreport.cgi?bug=968199
+ln -sf /proc/self/fd /dev/fd
+ln -sf /dev/fd/0 /dev/stdin
+ln -sf /dev/fd/1 /dev/stdout
+ln -sf /dev/fd/2 /dev/stderr
+# Profile spawning interactive shell before init, for debugging purposes
+profile_shell() {
+ PROGS="${PROGS} bash cat chmod lsmod modprobe find grep mknod mv rm
+ umount"
+ tty
+ ttyS0"
+ bash"
+# Profile to install pbench-server from Fedora packages, spawn shell before init
+profile_pbench() {
+ PROGS="${PROGS} bash env grep sed p11-kit cat mkdir chown chmod
+ basename hostname vim"
+ bash /init
+ bash /bin/sh
+ bash /usr/bin/bash
+ "
+ __f32="https://download.fedoraproject.org/pub/fedora/linux/releases/32"
+ __f32pkg="${__f32}/Everything/x86_64/os/Packages"
+ __copr="https://copr-be.cloud.fedoraproject.org"
+ __ndokos="${__copr}/results/ndokos/pbench/fedora-32-x86_64"
+ PKGS="
+ ${__ndokos}/01496531-fio/fio-3.19-1.x86_64.rpm
+ ${__f32pkg}/p/python3-libs-3.8.2-2.fc32.i686.rpm
+ ${__f32pkg}/p/python3-3.8.2-2.fc32.x86_64.rpm
+ ${__f32pkg}/t/tzdata-2019c-3.fc32.noarch.rpm
+ ${__f32pkg}/c/ca-certificates-2020.2.40-3.fc32.noarch.rpm
+ ${__f32pkg}/p/python3-pysocks-1.7.1-4.fc32.noarch.rpm
+ ${__f32pkg}/p/python3-idna-2.8-6.fc32.noarch.rpm
+ ${__f32pkg}/p/python3-urllib3-1.25.7-3.fc32.noarch.rpm
+ ${__f32pkg}/p/python3-six-1.14.0-2.fc32.noarch.rpm
+ ${__f32pkg}/p/python3-dateutil-2.8.0-8.fc32.noarch.rpm
+ ${__f32pkg}/p/python3-s3transfer-0.3.3-1.fc32.noarch.rpm
+ ${__f32pkg}/p/python3-docutils-0.15.2-4.fc32.noarch.rpm
+ ${__f32pkg}/p/python3-jmespath-0.9.4-4.fc32.noarch.rpm
+ ${__f32pkg}/p/python3-botocore-1.14.17-2.fc32.noarch.rpm
+ ${__f32pkg}/p/python3-boto3-1.11.17-1.fc32.noarch.rpm
+ ${__ndokos}/01506210-pbench-server/pbench-server-0.69.2-2g5c0ea483.noarch.rpm
+ "
+ sh"
+### Helpers ####################################################################
+# List of tools used here, assigned to uppercase variable names
+TOOLS="basename bc cat cd chmod cp cpio depmod diff dirname du file find grep
+ gzip ldconfig ldd ln ls mkdir mknod mktemp modprobe mv printf readlink
+ realpath rm seq strip sync umount uname wget"
+# err() - Print error and exit
+# $@: Error message, optionally with printf format and arguments
+err() {
+ ( printf "Error: "; printf "$@"; echo ) 1>&2
+ exit 1
+# warn() - Warn to standard error
+# $@: Warning message, optionally with printf format and arguments
+warn() {
+ ( printf "Warning: "; printf "$@"; echo ) 1>&2
+# notice() - Print notice-level messages
+# $@: Notice, optionally with printf format and arguments, can be empty
+notice() {
+ ( { [ -z "${1}" ] && echo; } || { printf "$@"; echo; } ) 1>&2
+# info() - Print informational messages for verbose operation
+# $@: Message, optionally with printf format and arguments
+info() {
+ { [ "${VERBOSE}" = "y" ] && ( { printf "$@"; echo; } ) 1>&2; } || :
+# cmd_check() - Check that a command exists, assign to uppercase variable
+# $1: Command name, can be an alias
+cmd_check() {
+ if ! eval $(echo "${1}" |
+ tr 'a-z-' 'A-Z_')="\$(command -v ${1})"; then
+ err "${1} not found"
+ fi
+# cleanup() - Remove left-overs on exit, used from trap
+cleanup() {
+ [ -n "${ARCHIVEMOUNT}" ] && "${UMOUNT}" "${wd}" 2>/dev/null
+ [ -n "${wd}" ] && "${RM}" -rf "${wd}"
+ [ -n "${pkg_tmp}" ] && "${RM}" -f "${pkg_tmp}"
+ [ -n "${compress_test1}" ] && "${RM}" -f "${compress_test1}"
+ [ -n "${compress_test2}" ] && "${RM}" -f "${compress_test2}"
+# dir_size() - Print summed size of directories with SI suffix
+# $*: Paths, can be names of files and directories, mixed
+dir_size() {
+ IFS='
+ for __l in $("${CD}" "${wd}"; "${DU}" -c --si "${@}" 2>/dev/null); do
+ __last_size="${__l}"
+ done
+ echo "${__last_size%[ ]*}"
+ unset IFS
+# strip_all() - Strip all executables in working directory, $wd
+strip_all() {
+ for __f in $("${FIND}" "${wd}"); do
+ case $("${FILE}" -bi "${__f}") in
+ "application/x-sharedlib;"*|"application/x-executable;"*)
+ "${STRIP}" -s "${__f}" -R .comment 2>/dev/null || ::
+ ;;
+ *)
+ ;;
+ esac
+ done
+# fixup_apply() - Apply fix-up script to /init, from $FIXUP or passed in options
+fixup_apply() {
+ [ -n "${SCRIPT}" ] && [ "${SCRIPT}" = "-" ] && return
+ [ -z "${SCRIPT}" ] && [ -z "${FIXUP}" ] && return
+ __call="$("${READLINK}" "${wd}/init")"
+ rm "${wd}/init"
+ if [ -n "${SCRIPT}" ]; then
+ "${CP}" "${SCRIPT}"
+ else
+ echo "${FIXUP}" > "${wd}/init"
+ fi
+ echo "/${__call}" >> "${wd}/init"
+ "${CHMOD}" 755 "${wd}/init"
+### CPIO #######################################################################
+# cpio_init() - Source existing CPIO archive, or create if needed
+# $1: Path to CPIO archive, might exist, might be discarded if existing
+cpio_init() {
+ wd="$("${MKTEMP}" -d)"
+ if [ -f "${OUT}" ] && [ "${1}" != "discard" ]; then
+ info "Sourcing CPIO archive from ${OUT}"
+ if ! "${GZIP}" -dfc "${OUT}" |
+ "${CPIO}" --quiet -iD "${wd}"; then
+ err "Invalid CPIO archive ${OUT}"
+ fi
+ else
+ info "Creating new CPIO archive"
+ if [ -z "${OUT}" ]; then
+ OUT="$("${MKTEMP}")"
+ notice "Creating image: ${OUT}"
+ else
+ OUT="$("${REALPATH}" "${OUT}")"
+ fi
+ if [ -n "${ARCHIVEMOUNT}" ]; then
+ : | "${CPIO}" --create -H newc --quiet | \
+ "${GZIP}" > "${OUT}"
+ fi
+ fi
+ if [ -n "${ARCHIVEMOUNT}" ]; then
+ "${ARCHIVEMOUNT}" "${OUT}" "${wd}"
+ info "Mounted CPIO archive ${OUT} at ${wd}"
+ fi
+# cpio_compress() - Compress archive, test available methods if none is selected
+# $1: Existing CPIO archive
+cpio_compress() {
+ [ "${COMPRESS}" = "none" ] && return
+ info "Compressing CPIO archive ${1}"
+ if [ -n "${COMPRESS}" ] && [ "${COMPRESS}" != "auto" ]; then
+ [ "${COMPRESS}" = "lzo" ] && __cmd="lzop" || __cmd="${COMPRESS}"
+ cmd_check "${__cmd}"
+ [ "${__cmd}" = "lz4" ] && __opt="-l" || __opt="-S .lz4"
+ "${__cmd}" ${__opt} -f -q -9 "${1}"
+ mv "${1}.lz4" "${1}"
+ return
+ fi
+ if [ ! -f "/boot/config-${KERNEL}" ]; then
+ "${GZIP}" -9 "${1}"
+ "${MV}" "${1}.gz" "${1}"
+ return
+ fi
+ compress_test1="$("${MKTEMP}")"
+ compress_test2="$("${MKTEMP}")"
+ __min_time=
+ for __a in gzip lz4 lzo lzma xz; do
+ [ "${__a}" = "lzo" ] && __cmd="lzop" || __cmd="${__a}"
+ __kcfg="CONFIG_RD_$(echo "${__a}" | tr '[:lower:]' '[:upper:]')"
+ if ! command -v "${__cmd}" > /dev/null 2>&1 ||
+ ! "${GREP}" -q "${__kcfg}" "/boot/config-${KERNEL}"; then
+ continue
+ fi
+ "${__cmd}" -q -9 -c "${1}" > "${compress_test1}"
+ __start=$("${CAT}" /proc/uptime)
+ __start="${__start% *}"
+ for _ in $("${SEQ}" 1 5); do
+ "${CP}" "${compress_test1}" "${compress_test2}"
+ ${__cmd} --force -d -c "${compress_test2}" > /dev/null
+ done
+ __end=$("${CAT}" /proc/uptime)
+ __end="${__end% *}"
+ __time="$(echo "${__end} - ${__start}" | "${BC}" -l)"
+ __size="$("${LS}" -s --block-size=1 "${compress_test1}")"
+ __size="${__size%% *}"
+ if [ -z "${__min_time}" ]; then
+ __min_time="${__time}"
+ __pick="${__a}"
+ else
+ __cmp="$(echo "${__time} < ${__min_time}" | "${BC}" -l)"
+ if [ "${__cmp}" = "1" ]; then
+ __min_time="${__time}"
+ __pick="${__a}"
+ fi
+ fi
+ notice "%5s %15s, 5 cycles in %7s" \
+ "${__a}:" "${__size} bytes" "${__time}s"
+ done
+ [ "${__pick}" = "lzo" ] && __cmd="lzop" || __cmd="${__pick}"
+ [ "${__cmd}" = "lz4" ] && __opt="-l" || __opt=""
+ "${__cmd}" ${__opt} -q -9 -c "${1}" > "${compress_test1}"
+ notice "Picked ${__pick} compression for CPIO"
+ mv "${compress_test1}" "${OUT}"
+ rm "${compress_test2}"
+### Shared libraries ###########################################################
+# libs_path_add() - Add library path to dynamic linker configuration
+# $1: Path to be added, skipped if already present
+libs_path_add() {
+ for __l in $("${CAT}" "${wd}/etc/ld.so.conf" 2>/dev/null); do
+ [ "${__l}" = "${1}" ] && return
+ done
+ "${MKDIR}" -p "${wd}/etc"
+ echo "${1}" >> "${wd}/etc/ld.so.conf"
+ "${LDCONFIG}" -r "${wd}"
+# libs_copy_ld_so() - Copy run-time linker program, mimic location from host
+# $1: Path to run-time linker
+libs_copy_ld_so() {
+ [ -f "${wd}/${1}" ] && return
+ __destdir="$("${DIRNAME}" "${wd}/${1}")"
+ "${MKDIR}" -p "${__destdir}"
+ "${CP}" --parents --preserve=all "${1}" "${wd}"
+# libs_copy() - Recursively copy shared dependencies for programs and libraries
+# $1: Host path to program or library
+libs_copy() {
+ info "Sourcing shared object dependencies for ${1}"
+ # ldd might succeed and print errors on stdout when paths are not found.
+ # Skip those lines, as those paths are not actually needed on the host.
+ for __l in $("${LDD}" "${1}" 2>/dev/null | "${GREP}" -v "ERROR:"); do
+ __path="${__l##*=> }"
+ [ "${__path}" = "not found" ] && continue
+ [ "${__l}" = "${__path}" ] && continue
+ __path="${__path%% *}"
+ # fakeroot dependency from LD_PRELOAD will always appear, skip
+ [ "$("${BASENAME}" "${__path}")" = "libfakeroot-sysv.so" ] && \
+ continue
+ __destpath="${wd}/${__path}"
+ [ -f "${__destpath}" ] && continue
+ __destdir="$("${DIRNAME}" "${__destpath}")"
+ "${MKDIR}" -p "${__destdir}"
+ "${CP}" --parents --preserve=all "${__path}" "${wd}"
+ libs_path_add "${__destdir##${wd}}"
+ # Recurse over all shared object dependencies
+ libs_copy "${__path}"
+ done
+ # Dynamic linker is listed as single path, make sure we copy it once
+ __ld_so=
+ for __l in $("${LDD}" "${1}" 2>/dev/null); do
+ case ${__l} in "/"*" "*) __ld_so="${__l% *}" ;; *) ;; esac
+ done
+ if [ -n "${__ld_so}" ]; then
+ libs_copy_ld_so "${__ld_so}"
+ libs_path_add "${__ld_so##${wd}}"
+ fi
+### Programs ###################################################################
+# prog_link() - Link from $LINKS to sourced program from $PROGS
+# $1: Program name from $PROGS
+# $2: Target on working directory $wd
+# $3: First token of line from $LINKS, skip if not matching
+# $4: Link name, second token from $LINKS line
+prog_link() {
+ [ "${1}" != "${3}" ] && return
+ "${MKDIR}" -p "$("${DIRNAME}" "${wd}${4}")"
+ "${LN}" -s "${2}" "${wd}${4}" 2>/dev/null || :
+# prog_add() - Add a program from $PROGS
+# $1: Program name seen from shell
+prog_add() {
+ info "Adding program ${1}"
+ IFS=','
+ for __a in ${1}; do
+ __bin="$(command -v "${__a}")" && break
+ done
+ unset IFS
+ [ -z "${__bin}" ] && err "Can't source ${1}"
+ # Binaries in /usr/libexec are meant to run on other hosts only, so they
+ # can't reside in /usr/libexec on the target image. Move to /usr/bin.
+ if [ "$("${DIRNAME}" "${__bin}")" = "/usr/libexec" ]; then
+ __bindir="${wd}/usr/bin"
+ else
+ __bindir="${wd}$("${DIRNAME}" "${__bin}")"
+ fi
+ "${MKDIR}" -p "${__bindir}"
+ "${CP}" --preserve=all "${__bin}" "${__bindir}"
+ IFS='
+ for __l in ${LINKS}; do
+ IFS=' '
+ prog_link "${1}" \
+ "${__bindir##${wd}}/$("${BASENAME}" "${__bin}")" \
+ ${__l}
+ IFS='
+ done
+ IFS='
+ libs_copy "${__bin}"
+ unset IFS
+### Kernel modules #############################################################
+# kmod_init() - Set $KERNEL, create modules directory on working image $wd
+kmod_init() {
+ KERNEL="${KERNEL:-$("${UNAME}" -r)}"
+ "${MKDIR}" -p "${wd}/lib/modules/${KERNEL}/kernel"
+# __kmod_node() - Actually create device node for path found in modules.devname
+# $1: Module name, not used here, indicates grep matched in caller
+# $2: Name of device node
+# $3: Type and device major as a single token, from modules.devname
+# $4: Device minor
+__kmod_node() {
+ { [ -z "${1}" ] || [ -e "${wd}/dev/${2}" ]; } && return
+ "${MKDIR}" -p "$("${DIRNAME}" "${wd}/dev/${2}")"
+ "${MKNOD}" "${wd}/dev/${2}" "${3%%[0-9]*}" "${3#[a-z]*}" "${4}"
+# kmod_node() - Add device nodes for on-demand module loading
+# $1: Module name
+kmod_node() {
+ __devname="${MODDIR}/lib/modules/${KERNEL}/modules.devname"
+ IFS=' :'
+ __kmod_node $("${GREP}" "^${1}" "${__devname}")
+ unset IFS
+# kmod_add() - Add a kernel module to working directory
+# $1: Module name
+kmod_add() {
+ info "Adding kernel module ${1}"
+ IFS='
+ for __f in $("${MODPROBE}" -S "${KERNEL}" -d "${MODDIR}" -q \
+ --show-depends "${1}"); do
+ unset IFS
+ # If a module is built-in, skip copy, but check if we need to
+ # add a device node for on-demand loading.
+ if [ "${__f}" != "builtin ${1}" ]; then
+ __src="${__f##insmod }"
+ # Some modprobe implementations add one trailing space
+ __src="${__src%* }"
+ __dst="${wd}${__src##MODDIR}"
+ if ! "${DIFF}" "${__src}" "${__dst}" 2>/dev/null; then
+ "${MKDIR}" -p "$("${DIRNAME}" "${__dst}")"
+ "${CP}" -a "${__src}" "${__dst}"
+ fi
+ fi
+ kmod_node "${1}"
+ IFS='
+ done
+ unset IFS
+# kmod_post() - Copy files for modprobe on target, run depmod
+kmod_post() {
+ "${CP}" -a "${MODDIR}/lib/modules/${KERNEL}/modules.order" \
+ "${MODDIR}/lib/modules/${KERNEL}/modules.builtin" \
+ "${wd}/lib/modules/${KERNEL}"
+ "${DEPMOD}" -b "${wd}"
+### Device nodes ###############################################################
+# node_add() - Add device node from $NODES
+node_add() {
+ info "Adding device node ${1}"
+ "${MKDIR}" -p "$("${DIRNAME}" "${wd}/dev/${1}")"
+ if [ -n "${2}" ]; then
+ "${MKNOD}" "${wd}/dev/${1}" "${2}" "${3}" "${4}"
+ else
+ "${CP}" -a "/dev/${1}" "${wd}/dev/"
+ fi
+### Packages ###################################################################
+# pkg_deb_add() - Extract Debian package, source shared object dependencies
+# $1: Package file
+pkg_deb_add() {
+ cmd_check dpkg-deb
+ info "Adding Debian package ${1}"
+ for __f in $("${DPKG_DEB}" -X "${1}" "${wd}"); do
+ __type="$("${FILE}" -bi "${wd}/${__f}")"
+ if [ "${__type%%;*}" = "application/x-sharedlib" ] ||
+ [ "${__type%%;*}" = "application/x-executable" ]; then
+ IFS='
+ libs_copy "${wd}/${__f}"
+ unset IFS
+ fi
+ done
+# pkg_deb_add() - Extract RPM package, source shared object dependencies
+# $1: Package file
+pkg_rpm_add() {
+ cmd_check rpm2cpio
+ info "Adding RPM package ${1}"
+ for __f in $("${RPM2CPIO}" "${1}" |
+ cpio -D "${wd}" --quiet -idvmu 2>&1 |
+ "${GREP}" -v "cpio:"); do
+ __type="$("${FILE}" -bi "${wd}/${__f}")"
+ if [ "${__type%%;*}" = "application/x-sharedlib" ] ||
+ [ "${__type%%;*}" = "application/x-executable" ]; then
+ IFS='
+ libs_copy "${wd}/${__f}"
+ unset IFS
+ fi
+ done
+# pkg_add() - Source and extract a package into working directory
+# $1: Package file or URL
+pkg_add() {
+ info "Adding package ${1}"
+ pkg_tmp="$("${MKTEMP}")"
+ if [ ! -f "${1}" ]; then
+ info "Downloading ${1}"
+ "${WGET}" --quiet -O "${pkg_tmp}" "${1}" || \
+ err "${1} not found"
+ __file="${pkg_tmp}"
+ else
+ __file="${1}"
+ fi
+ case $("${FILE}" -bi "${__file}") in
+ "application/vnd.debian.binary-package;"*)
+ pkg_deb_add "${__file}"
+ ;;
+ "application/x-rpm;"*)
+ pkg_rpm_add "${__file}"
+ ;;
+ *)
+ err "package format not supported"
+ ;;
+ esac
+ rm "${pkg_tmp}"
+### Commands and user interface ################################################
+# build() - Build a new image, sourcing contents
+build() {
+ cpio_init discard
+ kmod_init
+ for __d in ${DIRS}; do
+ "${MKDIR}" -p "${wd}${__d}"
+ done
+ for __p in ${PROGS}; do
+ PATH="${PATH}:/usr/libexec:/sbin:/usr/sbin" prog_add "${__p}"
+ done
+ for __k in ${KMODS}; do
+ kmod_add "${__k}"
+ done
+ kmod_post
+ IFS='
+ for __n in ${NODES}; do
+ IFS=' '
+ node_add ${__n}
+ IFS='
+ done
+ unset IFS
+ for __c in ${COPIES}; do
+ "${CP}" --parent -a "${__c}" "${wd}"
+ done
+ for __p in ${PKGS}; do
+ pkg_add "${__p}"
+ done
+ fixup_apply
+# add() - Add contents to existing image
+# $1: Item to be added
+add() {
+ [ -z "${wd}" ] && cpio_init
+ kmod_init
+ [ -f "${1}" ] && __path="${1}" || __path=$(command -v "${1}") || :
+ if [ ! -f "${__path}" ]; then
+ { pkg_add "${1}" && return; } || err "${1} not found"
+ fi
+ case $("${FILE}" -bi "${__path}") in
+ "application/x-sharedlib;"*)
+ PATH="${PATH}:/usr/libexec:/sbin:/usr/sbin" prog_add "${__p}"
+ ;;
+ "application/x-object;"*)
+ kmod_add "${__path}"
+ kmod_post
+ ;;
+ "application/vnd.debian.binary-package;"*)
+ pkg_deb_add "${__path}"
+ ;;
+ "application/x-rpm;"*)
+ pkg_rpm_add "${__path}"
+ ;;
+ *)
+ "${CP}" --parent -a "${__path}" "${wd}"
+ ;;
+ esac
+# stats() - Print size information about created image
+stats() {
+ __bin="$(dir_size bin usr/bin sbin usr/sbin usr/local/bin \
+ usr/local/sbin)"
+ __lib="$(dir_size --exclude='lib/modules/' lib lib64 usr/lib usr/lib32 \
+ usr/lib64 usr/local/lib)"
+ __mod="$(dir_size lib/modules)"
+ __sum="$(dir_size .)"
+ __compressed="$("${DU}" --si "${OUT}")"
+ __compressed="${__compressed%[ ]*}"
+ notice "Size: bin %5s lib %5s kmod %5s total %5s compressed %5s" \
+ "${__bin}" "${__lib}" "${__mod}" "${__sum}" "${__compressed}"
+# cmds() - Loop over non-option arguments if any, just build image otherwise
+# $@: Command arguments
+cmds() {
+ wd=
+ { [ ! -f "${OUT}" ] || [ -z "${1}" ]; } && build
+ for arg do
+ add "${arg}"
+ done
+ [ "${STRIP}" != "n" ] && strip_all
+ if [ -z "${ARCHIVEMOUNT}" ]; then
+ ( __out="$("${REALPATH}" "${OUT}")"
+ "${CD}" "${wd}"
+ "${FIND}" . | "${CPIO}" --create -H newc --quiet > "${OUT}"
+ cpio_compress "${__out}"
+ )
+ else
+ "${SYNC}"
+ fi
+ stats
+ notice "Kata Containers [hypervisor.qemu] configuration:"
+ notice
+ notice " kernel = \"/boot/vmlinuz-${KERNEL}\""
+ notice " initrd = \"$("${REALPATH}" "${OUT}")\""
+ notice
+ if [ -n "${ARCHIVEMOUNT}" ]; then
+ trap - EXIT
+ notice "initramfs mounted at: ${wd}"
+ fi
+# usage() - Print usage and exit
+usage() {
+ echo "${0} [OPTIONS] [ADD_ON]..."
+ echo
+ echo "Options:"
+ echo " -c gzip|lz4|lzma|lzo|auto|none"
+ echo " compression method for CPIO file. Default: auto"
+ echo " -d"
+ echo " don't strip binary objects"
+ echo " -f PATH"
+ echo " path for initramfs. Default: temporary file"
+ echo " -k VERSION"
+ echo " kernel version. Default: $(uname -r)"
+ echo " -m PATH"
+ echo " relative root for /lib/modules. Default: /"
+ echo " -p PROFILE"
+ echo " select profile for add-ons (see profile_*() in script)"
+ echo " -s SCRIPT|-"
+ echo " fix-up script to run before init, '-' for none"
+ echo " -v: verbose"
+ echo " -h: show this help"
+ echo
+ echo "Build initramfs image unless an existing one is passed."
+ echo "Additional programs, kernel modules, device nodes, generic files"
+ echo "can be passed as a list of ADD_ON parameters."
+ echo
+ echo "Distribution packages (deb and RPM currently supported) can be"
+ echo "added too, but they will simply be extracted, not installed."
+ echo "Package dependencies are also not sourced."
+ echo
+ echo "Environmental variables can be used to replace:"
+ echo " PROGS"
+ echo " base programs"
+ echo " KMODS"
+ echo " base kernel modules"
+ echo " NODES"
+ echo " device nodes, one per line. Copied from host if just"
+ echo " name is given, created if 'NAME TYPE MAJOR MINOR'"
+ echo " LINKS"
+ echo " link to programs by name, one per line, in the form"
+ echo " PROGRAM PATH"
+ echo " DIRS"
+ echo " list of initial set of empty directories"
+ echo " COPIES"
+ echo " full copy of path, preserving attributes and parents"
+ echo
+ echo "Examples:"
+ echo " ${0}"
+ echo " Build a base image as a temporary file"
+ echo " ${0} grep"
+ echo " Build a new image including grep and needed libraries"
+ echo " ${0} -f kata.img zsh_5.6.2-3_amd64.deb"
+ echo " Install zsh package to pre-existing kata.img"
+ echo " ${0} -v -f kata.img -p shell -c lz4"
+ echo " Use lz4 compression, run a shell before proceeding"
+ exit 1
+# Entry point: if we're not running as root, re-run with fakeroot
+if [ "${LD_PRELOAD}" != "libfakeroot-sysv.so" ] && [ "$(id -u)" -ne 0 ]; then
+ if ! FAKEROOT="$(command -v fakeroot)"; then
+ err "Not root and no fakeroot available, exiting"
+ fi
+ PATH="${PATH}:/sbin:/usr/sbin" "${FAKEROOT}" "${0}" "$@"
+ exit ${?}
+# Parse options
+while getopts c:df:k:m:p:s:vh __opt; do
+ case ${__opt} in
+ c) COMPRESS="${OPTARG}" ;;
+ d) STRIP="n" ;;
+ f) OUT="${OPTARG}" ;;
+ k) KERNEL="${OPTARG}" ;;
+ m) MODDIR="${OPTARG}" ;;
+ p) PROFILE="${OPTARG}" ;;
+ s) SCRIPT="${OPTARG}" ;;
+ v) VERBOSE="y" ;;
+ h|*) usage ;;
+ esac
+shift $((OPTIND - 1))
+# Check needed tools, exit if any is missing
+for __l in ${TOOLS}; do
+ cmd_check "${__l}"
+# Apply profile requested via -p, if any, from matching profile_*() function
+if [ -n "${PROFILE}" ]; then
+ notice "Applying profile ${PROFILE}"
+ eval "profile_${PROFILE}" || err "profile ${PROFILE} not found"
+# Check if we can keep the CPIO mounted for convenience as we exit. This isn't
+# safe with fakeroot, as contents can't be touched before the environment
+# save-file is loaded again, so it needs root (and archivemount).
+if [ "${LD_PRELOAD}" = "libfakeroot-sysv.so" ]; then
+ if command -v archivemount >/dev/null 2>&1; then
+ notice "Not running as root, won't keep cpio mounted"
+ fi
+elif ! ARCHIVEMOUNT="$(command -v archivemount)"; then
+ warn "archivemount not available, won't keep cpio mounted"
+trap cleanup EXIT
+cmds "$@"
+exit 0